Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle accidents
Call Bill Your Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Motorcycle accidents can result in severe injuries. In addition to this, you are probably dealing with an uncooperative insurance company. That is why you need to Call Bill, an experienced motorcycle injury lawyer.
Actions after a Motorcycle Wreck
To improve your chances of receiving compensation, follow these steps:
Get Medical Care
Make sure you tell the medical professionals that you were involved in a motorcycle accident. You do not want the other side to claim that your injuries were from a different cause.
You will need proof of your injuries.
Common injuries include traumatic brain injury, facial fractures, broken ribs, hips, and other bones, paralysis, nerve damage, internal bleeding, and road rash.
Notify Law Enforcement
Police need to fill out an accident report.
Stick to the facts. Do not speculate on speed or what caused the accident. You cannot collect anything in Alabama if you are even 1% to blame.
Exchange Information with The Other Driver
However, let me caution you not to give a sworn statement to an insurance investigator before talking with a lawyer. Whatever you say can be used against you.
Gather Evidence
If you can, take pictures and get the names and phone numbers of the witnesses.
Motorcycle riders are statistically at higher risk of severe injuries.
Insurance companies will fight not to pay your claim. That is the job of an insurance company attorney. I know because I used to be one until I saw that fighting for the injured was my calling.
Call now. Remember that Alabama has a statute of limitations. After that time, you cannot collect ever.
You can always talk to Bill Eiland, an experienced motorcycle injury attorney, for free. We understand the law in Alabama when it comes to motorcycle accidents and truly want to help you.